Guys, missions are the best. I haven't had much time to write lately, and I feel like my emails have been coming off a bit depressing... So I'm just here to say, I'm so happy. This is the greatest work and I get to be a part of it! I learn so much every day from our Father in Heaven and I am truly the happiest I have been.
We went to Yerevan with some other sisters lasty P day. I had my first pizza in 9 months and we went to the ZOO!! It was so much fun, and suprisingly really nice.
I also learned how to make borsh this week. It's pretty much just a soup that they throw everything into! It was really good though.
We have been meeting a lot of really great people lately who are all super excited to talk to us! We called a former investigator from the area book and went to meet with her. We found her house and it wasn't actually her house... But the family invited us in and they were super great, aside from giving us grape juice that they made that was actually wine! So yeah, I've had wine now. Don't worry, it's not even good. SO not worth it. haha
We also have done a lot of service this week! Well, we go with the elders and people let them do service, but since we are girls, we just like make the food. Hey, but it's fine with me! We went to pick pears for a lady one day and her trees are super tall. So we hold a tarp and one of the elders climbs up and just shakes the whole tree! It's pretty effective haha. After service, we sit around and someone plays the guitar and we all sing and dance. I love Armenians. :)
I've been thinking a lot lately about my decision to be on a mission, and all the things I'm learning here. I would've been fine had I not come. I would've continued to study, gotten married, raised and family, and been relatively happy. But now, I will do all of those things with a sure knowledge that all things are possible when we rely of God. That means putting Him first, loving Him and His children with all our heart, might, mind and strength. Sure, I can do things on my own and be fairly successful, but I know now how much more successful I can be through His infinite power and strength.
"I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."
Christ really does strengthen us. He's made a lot more out of me than I ever could have. His love is perfect and endless. I love My Savior more and more each day.
And I love all of you!!!
Mets mets sirov,
Qyur Blanchard

Our shooka! This is how we grocery.
This village just got water! YAY!