So we are doing half transfers! We had no idea. President called us on Sunday to say Sister Kindt is leaving tuesday... We're sad, but it was time for her to go. She has been here forever. Hopefully I don't get too lost here!!!
This week has been so so good! We've been a little under the weather, but besides that it's been awesome. And being sick has honestly taught me an important lesson. I've been ponderizing mosiah 4:19 this week. "For behold, are we not all beggars? Do we not all depend upon the same Being, even God, for all the substance which we have, for both food and raiment, and for gold, and for silver, and for all the riches which we have of every kind?" I've been asking God in my prayers this week to bless me with health and energy to serve His children. And then I would continue the day complaining about how tired I was, how cold I was, how bad my head hurt... And I realized that I was praying to the Lord to help me so I could help others and I needed to trust that He would take care of me and quit worrying about myself. Here I am crying about feeling bad and Sister Kindt is also sick. Why not help her? Is she not also a beggar unto God? Aren't other people's problems as important, if not more important than mine? This realization changed my heart. I'm looking out more easily and with more faith.
In other news, we had 91 members at church this week!!!! It was so cool! We are really cracking down on the ward list business/ less-active hunting and it's been going super well! I was so excited with all the great people we saw at church this week! I really love less active work. Helping people remember their conversion has become really special to me.
We called one of our investigators this week. Her husband said he sent her away for a vacation for ten days without a phone... Kinda weird. And then we heard from some neighbors that she''s still here... We're confused because she has a baptismal date, is reading, and loves having us over. I don't know why they would say that. So we're probably just gonna go over and see them one day. I don't know!
I also hit my NINE MONTH mark this week!!!!! What the heck...
Other fun news... hmm... We still have cockroaches in our house like crazy... and now we have some weird larva/worm things on our ceiling... I never thought I would live in a place like this before...
We dressed up as tatiks (grandmas) for Halloween. No one really knows what Halloween is here. So we were wearing these vest things. And people would come up to us and say "you know, only tatiks wear those..." Yeah, we know. haha. we also learned how to make gata!! It's this dessert thing that is basically a bunch of butter and sugar, so basically a bunch of perfection and happiness.
That's all I got folks!
Love you all,
Sister Blanchard

The tatik life.
Studying by the heater because of winter.
And we're coming up now on Armenia's majestic Mount Ararat. You'll recognize this as the landing spot of Noah's Ark at the time of the Great Flood.