I cannot believe it's been two weeks!!!!! I've learned so much and I have so much still to learn in the next 7 weeks until ARMENIA! I hope everyone is doing well. Thank you again and again for your love and support!
I can now say I am learned in the alphabet and I can recite my missionary purpose. I'm also working on singing I am a Child of God! I can't believe how much I have learned. We taught our first lesson with no notes earlier this week too! Now we have two "investigators" and we teach almost every day. You are really forced to learn. I try to only speak my language for at least an hour every day. Which is really interesting since Sis. O'Boyle is speaking Malay. We have a fun time trying to understand each other.
I have learned so much about our Savior and Heavenly Father too. That is a big reason the MTC is so great. We are forced to rely upon the grace of Jesus Christ to get through the day. And as we do that, we come to know HIm better and be more like Him. What a blessing! I have also learned that I am most definitely not here for myself. I am here to let the Lord prepare me to meet the people that He is also preparing to accept the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
On Sunday nights, we watched a devotional given by Elder Bednar at the MTC a few years ago called that Character of Christ. In which, he talks about how we come closer to Him. The Savior's life was spent doing anything and everything to uplift and bless others. Even when it was hard or inconvenient. Our first instinct when things get hard is to turn inward and complain and think about ourselves. But Jesus Christ showed a different way. As we look outward and reach out to others, He lightens our load and brings us joy! I mean that very literally. JOY is given to you from Heavenly Father when you serve others and forget youself. I testify that is true. When we have charity, the Lord is able to make us better people! What a blessing! Again! We truly are so blessed.
Another thing Elder Bednar talked about is the importance of a study in the Book of Mormon. He suggested we try something that my companion and I have been working on since Monday. And I would invite and encourage everyone to join us. Find a cheap copy of the Book of Mormon. The missionaries have them, any member of the church can get you one, or I think they're like two dollars from the distribution center. Think of something that you want to study or learn more about, or a question that you may have on your mind. About anything! I wrote my question in the beginning of my Book of Mormon. Begin reading that book from start to finish with yuor question in mind. Start with a prayer to Heavenly Father that He will enlighten your mind and guide your study and teach you truth. As you read, mark the things that you learn about your topic or question. Ponder the things you read and the way you feel. When you finish, Elder Bednar promised you will be enlightened and uplifted and questions will be answered. Any sincere study of the Book of Mormon will bring you closer to Christ. I can promise you that reading the Book of Mormon is much more than just words on a page. Every day I read thirty minutes from the Book of Mormon in Armenian. This has truly enhanced my language study so much! The Holy Ghost is the true teacher and you can feel the Spirit's calming and peaceful effects as you study the Book of Mormon. I testify that the Book of Mormon is the word of God. I know that there is power in that book and that it testifies that God lives and Jesus Christ is the Savior of all mankind.
I love this Gospel and I love my Savior so much. I know that Heavenly Father is aware of and loves each of you personally. I will be forever grateful for the chance I have to participate in this marvelous work.
Wishing you all the best,
Sister Blanchard