Ok, well not for me I guess. i'm staying in Hrazdan and I could not be more happy!! My new companion is Sister K. She is so great! She's 20 and from Utah. She's been out nearly a year now and she was just the Sister Training Leader last transfer. She knows the language and the work SO well. I have already learned so much! We are having a great transfer so far and things are just going to get better and better!
Before transfer day, we have a member appreciation activity at Sevan. We had bbq and played frisbee and cards and danced and it was so much fun. People here are amazing. I have some pictures, but I'm not sure if they're with me or not...
We are teaching our branch president's daughter right now. We've been teaching her for a lng time, but she's in a manicure class so she can't come to church right now. In fact, she did my nails yesterday and like made them bleed... It's a good thing she has a month left of the class. haha But she is awesome. She has a husband and young son too and she really wants them to be involved in the church. Teaching families is the best! They live a little far away, but hopefully we can visit them all soon.
One thing Sister K has really helped me with already is strengthening my faith! My faith in our goals, my faith in the people, my faith in myself and most importantly, my faith in Christ. We have been doing absolutely all we can, and its STILL isn't enough. But the miracles are happening. Jesus Christ has done everything for us. But you know what? He still is doing everything for us!! He is an active part of our lives. Because of Him, we are able to do anything and everything in this life. I've learned that if we plan well, work hard, and strive to follow the spirit, He will always bless us with miracles. Every day, no matter what.
Սիրում եմ ձեզ:
Sister Blanchard

This is on a bridge by our Branch President's house.
We hiked a mountain and found this cool yellow building and had a photo shoot.
Lake Sevan